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Slide notes: In Accounting Controls, at the Periodic menu, we have a Housekeeping option.




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Slide notes: When we choose this option, a 'Delete Accounts' option is revealed.




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Slide notes: This Housekeeping Function covers Account Deletes for a series of Master Files.




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Slide notes: While most Master Files have their own options to delete an Account, this function is available to delete a series of Accounts that are no longer wanted, in 1 step.




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Slide notes: The Master Files from which we may delete Accounts with this Housekeeping option are listed on the Help. For some Master Files, an asterisk (*) is listed to indicate that on this Master, we have to list the specific Keys to delete, while for the others, we can list the Keys or use the wildcard asterisk to delete any qualifying Accounts. A qualifying Account is usually an Account that is closed and without any balance or history that prevents it from being deleted.




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Slide notes: So in this example, we indicate the 'ledgermast' filename, for the General Ledger Master.




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Slide notes: As the Help indicates, we can specify the asterisk (*) for all qualifying Accounts to be deleted from this Master.




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Slide notes: Alternatively, we can also specify Account Codes or Keys to delete, but in that case each Key we specify will be validated as to whether it qualifies to be deleted.




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Slide notes: Whether using the wildcard or listing the Keys, when we have completed our specification, we can just choose NEXT for the system to proceed with the Accounts Delete Request.




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