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Slide notes: In this tutorial we will see how to ARCHIVE a Period. That is the process of 'rolling the Period OUT' and off the system, so that the Balances are retained but the on-line Transactions are no longer present. Here, we notice on the Main Period record that the oldest Period that is on-line is Period number 2. In other words, Period number 1 was rolled out some time before.




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Slide 3

Slide notes: We choose the option to ARCHIVE a Period.




Slide 4

Slide notes: The explanation offered is that we should only do this if the Period is sufficiently old enough that we no longer need to see the Transaction detail for this Period on-line. In other words, when we archive the oldest Period, the detail of the Transactions are removed from the system, permanently.




Slide 5

Slide notes: Automatically the system will indicate the oldest Period as the next Period that can be ARCHIVED. We cannot archive Periods out of sequence.




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Slide notes: At this stage, we can still quit by exiting the screen, but if we choose 'Roll Out', then the archive procedure is initiated. It is best done after hours when Users are not actively working on the system.





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Slide notes: The progress will be indicated, and in a large system with many Transactions, the process can take a while.




Slide 10

Slide notes: Once the roll out process is complete, we are returned to the Period wizard choices.




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Slide 12

Slide notes: On the Main Period record we will be able to see that Period number 2 is no longer part of the system.




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