Slide 1

Slide notes: In our Asset Register, we will always sort our Assets into Groups.





Slide 2

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And there can be many such Groups in the Asset Register.




Slide 3

Slide notes: Sometimes, some of the Groups actually make another Group, and in this case we can make a Master Group. For example, Cars, Tractors and Trailers can all be considered part of a Master Group called Vehicles.





Slide 4

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Master Groups are optional, and we only use them if we specifically want to. In this case, the Group Codes should be planned so that all Groups that will be part of a selected Master Group start with the same 2 characters.A Master Group Code is always 2 characters, and always automatically includes all Groups that start with the same 2 characters. Notice in this example, the Master Group 33, and with the various Group Codes starting with 33.





Slide 5

Slide notes: The Master Group is the highest point in the Asset hierarchy.




Slide 6

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Slide 8

Slide notes: We define Master Groups from the File Maintenance options on the Assets Menu.




Slide 9

Slide notes: The code can only be 2 characters.




Slide 10

Slide notes: And there is a name. In this example, any Groups found in the Asset Register and that start with '33' will be part of this Master Group.




Slide 11

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