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Slide notes: In this tutorial we will look at 1 of the methods for feeding Asset Meter readings. We only need to do this for Assets that depreciate on the basis of "usage", because in that case the Monthly Meter Movement determines the Monthly Depreciation.




Slide 2

Slide notes: The Meter Movement can be fed by capturing the Closing Reading for the Month, or by capturing the Movement for the month. In this tutorial, we do it by capturing the Closing Meter Reading.




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Slide notes: We select the Period for which we are feeding the Meter Readings.




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Slide notes: And then we can capture any number of Asset Item Meter Closing Readings.




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Slide notes: When ready, we choose UPDATE. This method is safe to use for corrections also, because when we capture a reading for a selected Period, and there is already such a reading on file, then it is replaced. However, after depreciation has already been calculated for a selected period, further changes to the Period Meter has no effect on the depreciation that has already been calculated.




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