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Slide notes: We will now have a look at the Audit Trail Report options for Assets. Individual Account Audit Trails are available from all the Transaction Drills on Asset Financial Accounts, and we can also mass produce Audit Trails for Ranges of Accounts, as we will see now.




Slide 2

Slide notes: There are a variety of formats available. For Primary, we can choose between the Actual Only and the Debit and Credit type format. Then we also have a Tax and a Forex format, and a combination format that will list Primary, Tax and Forex all on the same Report.




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Slide notes: For this example, we will choose the Debit and Credit option on the Primary view.




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Slide notes: We can select a range of multiple Periods, although the default is to the Current Period only.




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Slide notes: And we have the usual other settings for Audit Trails where we can omit Accounts with no Movement, plus some other settings.




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Slide 8

Slide notes: Now we can still fine-tune the range of Accounts to include, if we wish to do so.




Slide 9

Slide notes: And here we have a sample print, with more detail to the right.




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