Slide 1

Slide notes: When we perform Budget Revisions for Accounts with Physical Budgets, we may use the Capture option called 'Phys: Expected Only'.




Slide 2

Slide notes: The Expected Budget is also the Revised Budget, while the original Budget remains unchanged.




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Slide notes: In this case, we are clearly already midway through the Financial Year, since the Revision option is only listing the last 6 Months of the Year for Revision.





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Slide 6

Slide notes: Budget Revision capture is the same as for Budget Capture, just that we are revising the Expected figures if we make any changes, and not the original Budget.




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Slide 10

Slide notes: Budget Revision of Physicals do not update the KPI Budget, although it will update the Revised Financial Budget based on the stated Conversion Factor. If the Factor is zero or changed to zero, then the Revised Financial also will NOT be updated.




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