Slide 1

Slide notes: Asset Depreciation is an Expense that forms part of the overall Expense Budget, and therefore we have some tools to assist us in preparing that part of the Budget.




Slide 2

Slide notes: The system will forecast the expected Depreciation on the current Fixed Asset Register for the next Budget Year, based on the Periods stated at the Budget Control Parameters. Therefore, we perform this step AFTER adjusting the Control Parameters for a new Budget Year, and we do it before performing expected Asset Additions.In fact, the Asset Additions are performed into the same Results set where the Forecast is placed, so if we re-calculate the Depreciation Forecast, then we will have to re-perform the Additions again, and that is why the system cautions us to do the Forecast first, and then do the Additions.





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Slide notes: When we choose NEXT, then the Forecast for the next Budget Year is calculated.




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Slide 8

Slide notes: And we are advised when the calculation is complete. At this stage we can now perform Reports and Additions until we are satisfied with the full set of Asset Depreciation Budget numbers, and then we use the 'transfer' step to transfer the numbers to the real Budget.




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