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We will now look at DocWriter's functional link to the IES Metadata, and how we can use it in our Report Writing.

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There are 2 elements of interest here, and we look at the 'Data Sources' first.

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The longest list of Data Sources are the 'All Sources' and the shortest list is 'Most Often used'. The latter includes the popular Files that are most often used as Data Sources  for Reports.

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With the Application Names on the left and the Descriptions on the right, it is not hard to find the correct Data Source that we want to use. A Data Source is a File with data, and usually with Data Names that are sufficiently intelligent to interpret data and translate it into information, sometimes in the process performing logic or calculating new Values, and often retrieving additional linked Values from other Files.

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If we select a Data Source here, then we will get a Report with the available Data Names in this Data Source. The Data Names are the most often used parameters in our Report Writing.

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The Ledger Master is used as the basis for many Reports, and this Report reveals the available intelligent Data Names that we can use with GL Reports.

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Next we will look at the Direct Data Source Layouts. What are they? In some cases, the system will format a temporary data record for a special purpose, including in this record all the data that is required for a specific type of Report. Such a record has a temporary life and is destroyed again after the Report has been produced, and we call that a Direct Data Source Layout record. More often than not, this special Record is written to the file called DOCWRITESPRE, and for our Report we can simply extract whichever Values we need from the Data Record, and we do so by Data Field Number.


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Here we have some examples of direct Data Source Layouts provided by the system when certain events occur.

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For example, when a Retail Invoice must be generated, then the system puts together all the related pieces of information from various Files, into 1 single record, and writes it to DOCWRITESPRE. That means that our Report Layout for the Invoice can be customized any way we'd like to present it, and our Tags will just retrieve the relevant Values from the correct Field Numbers in this Data Record that has already been prepared by the system.


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So we may note here that 'RETAIL-INV' is one of the Reports that will be using this Data Layout, and we want to refer back to this to tie together the concepts.

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And we see here a list of Data Field numbers, and what data may be expected at those positions. Some Data Fields can have multiple values, and those are usually indicated with ',n'. For example, the Transaction Lines, for which there is 1 line for each Item on the Invoice.

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So here we have that very Report. Now let us look at the Layout for this Report, which is an Invoice.

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At Tag 0018 we will have a Unit that can expand into multiple lines, i.e. depending on the number of Items on the Invoice. The example that we will investigate is Tag 0005, which will display the Company Tax Number.

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So let's have a look at Tag 0005.

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And on the Tag Template, we can see that we are using a Data Source called DOCWRITESPRE, and we are using Data Field number 23.

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So let's look at our Data Sources used for this Report.

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And, yes, we can see that our Data Source number 1 is also 'docwritespre'.

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If we have another look at the Direct Data Source Layout, then we will see that Field number 23 has that Company Tax Number.

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And here it is.

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So that is how the Metadata function is important and useful for us in our Report Writing.