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GL Access Reports are similar to Report Flag Reports, with the added feature of indicating Tag Access with each Account. They are most helpful in evaluating GL based Reports, and we can easily check whether the correct Accounts have been included in the Report, whether no Accounts have been missed when they should be included, and whether any Accounts have been incorrectly included more than once.

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We will start by visiting the Help option.

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Although the system says the biggest use for these Reports are when we test Balance Sheet and Income Statement Reports, they are in fact useful for any GL based Reports. The important step to do is to use the GL debugging when testing the Report, and then to run the GL Access Report afterwards.


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Therefore we switch on 'GL Debugging'.

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This is a sample of a GL based Report. All the numbers on this Report are derived from a selection of GL Accounts, and in fact, when we think about an Income Statement Report, we realize that each and every Income / Expense Account in the Chart of Accounts should be counted somewhere in the Report, and every Account should be counted only ONCE.

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After running a Report test with GL Debugging switched on, we can perform a GL Access Report.

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And the result will list the GL Accounts by the selected Flag order. The GL Access Reports also support User Versions, so we can use them for other Report Flags also, although the defaults are for ISPOS and BSPOS.

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For every Account listed, the system indicates the Tag or Tags where this Account is counted, i.e. it's result used. In this example, if an Account is accessed by more than 1 Tag, then it is WRONG, and if an Account is not accessed by ANY Tag, then it is also wrong.

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So that means we can see at least 2 problematic Accounts in  this Report. We will need to visit those Tags to see what they select according to their logic, and in the case of the Account not being accessed at all, we will check the Account for it's Flag Settings, and see why it is not included where it is supposed to be included. In this way, the GL Access Reports are imminently helpful.