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This Tag is using a Template. Let us have a look at the logic produced by the Tag Template, and then we will use the Macro wizard to produce the same logic.

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This is the logic that the Tag Template is producing.

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If we remove the Template, then we can enter the Tag Macro itself.

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We can choose a different Template now, but instead we will choose to build our own Macro, because we want to use the Macro wizard as an example.

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When we have already had a Template on a Tag and then move to the Macro option, then the Macro inherits the logic that was previously generated by the Tag Template. Therefore, we can 1st use the Template and then make additional changes to the logic, if we want.

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In this case, our purpose is different. The Macro wizard is available for editing logic, that is IF we ever want to get into the logic at this level, and it can be used without ever using a Template on the Tag, i.e. by building the logic from scratch. However, most Users will never use this, and will only use the Template options that automatically generate all the required Tag logic.

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We are now going to reproduce this logic by using the Macro wizard. When using the Macro wizard one needs to understand a little about the syntax used for these Macros, and  we can learn that from the syntax document. The point is that one needs a plan, i.e. a logical sequence as to what is required to produce the answer for the Tag. In this case, the logic gets the Date from the system, then converts that into the Calendar Year only, and then this answer is placed on a field that is 10 characters wide, and aligns it to the right.


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We can enter the Macro wizard by typing 'w' and pressing ENTER.

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From the options available here, we have to make a choice as to the next command. The only option that can possibly give us the Date is the 'Function' option.

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The next choice is 'Simple Assign'.

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The 'Assign To' variable will be the Current Tag Main Value.

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The Variable that we want to retrieve is found at 'Common'.

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And it is the 'Date' that we are interested in.

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The 1st command is done. Now we need to perform a Display Conversion on the Date.

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The answer will be assigned to the Current Tag Main Value, which is used as the final 'answer' for the Tag.

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The Input Data that we will use in this operation is also at the Current Tag Main Value at the moment, because that's where we put it when we retrieved the Date from the System Common.

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And it's a common conversion type that we want to perform.

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We are interested in the option that turns the Date into a Year.

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Next, we need to place the answer on a field that is 10 characters wide, and align it to

the right. For this, we use the PLACE command.


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And now our logic should be complete. Let's exit the wizard and have a look.

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The old logic on line 1 is a comment, and we did not reproduce that. The 2nd line is reproduced in our new logic at line 7.

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Line 3 is reproduced at line 8.

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Line 4 is a comment and not reproduced, while line 5 is reproduced at line 9.

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The old line number 6 is a jumpout option that was not really used in the logic and not required in our new logic. So we have successfully reproduced the same logic as from the Template, but this time by using the Macro wizard. We can now delete the old logic lines which we have retained only for comparative purposes in this example.

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And that leaves us with proper logic that we have constructed with the wizard.

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Again, we note that the vast majority of Users will never use the wizard, because the Templates are quite comprehensive and adequate for most Tag needs, and they generate the necessary logic automatically. The wizard is only intended for those fundis who will choose to delve deeply into DocWriter Tag Logic.

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