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When we want to give Users access to a Report, then we must put it on their Menus. User Access is usually performed in the User Access Profiles module, but DocWriter also has a function to do access for a Report from here. For this, we can use the Publication function.

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We can use a Report in the Report Warehouse or as a Swap without having the Report listed in the Menu Process Library, but we cannot give Users access to a Report on their Menus unless we register the Report in the Menu Process Library. As we can see, this Report is already registered there.

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We will choose the option to 'Grant User Access'.

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For standard IES Applications, we can only put the new Menu Option for Users at the Custom options, at Local Reports. The Menu Path option can be used for Local Applications. In this case, we are going to publish the access at the General Ledger Application, which is a standard IES Application, so we choose 'Local Reports'.

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Next, we will select the Users that we want to give access to at this time.

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Now that we have some access given, let's go to the Ledger and see if the option appears there.

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The report will be at 'Custom Options'.

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As we can see, the sub menu is 'Local Reports', and the 'My Demo Report' option is listed.

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