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Slide notes: When we look at this Tag Result, we can say that it is in raw format. In fact, this is an amount in Cents, and it is the same amount as displayed below, but in that case the amount is displayed using a 'Display Mask'.




Slide 2

Slide notes: So what is a Display Mask? In fact, it is a choice of presentation that displays or presents a Value in a selected way, and the same Value can potentially be displayed in many different ways.




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Slide notes: This is the Tag that produces the result we have just looked at.




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Slide notes: The Display Mask field currently has no setting, and that is why the Number is displayed in raw format.




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Slide notes: When we use the lookup here, we can see that there are multiple Display Masks to choose from. Some are for numbers, while others are used for Text, Dates or Time.




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Slide 12

Slide notes: We are now going to use the 'mr22,' mask, and this Display Mask will show the Value as Currency with 2 decimals as cents.




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Slide notes: Here is the effect. The Value is no longer raw, but looks like a Currency Amount. Still, it is not the same as the Value shown below, where the same Value is shown with yet another Display Mask. In fact, this is the most popular Mask and the system defaults to it. It shows Amounts without decimals, rounded to the nearest whole number, and negatives are shown in brackets.




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Slide notes: This time, we will select the same Display Mask as is used with the other Value that we compared with on the Report.




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Slide notes: And here is the effect. Those 2 Values now look the same.




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Slide 35

Slide notes: We can apply our own choice of Display Mask on a Report or for selected Tags. Usually we will apply the same standard for numbers for an entire Report, but there are also Display Masks for Text, Dates, Time and other Value types.