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Slide notes: When we wish to capture a new Bank Page, we use 'New Page'.




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Slide notes: The current active Recon Period is always listed at the top, and this is the usual selection, but it is also possible to capture Bank Pages for future Periods if these Pages are already available.




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Slide notes: A new Bank Page will automatically open with the last Page Closing Balance, and until there are entries on the Page, the Closing Balance will be the same.




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Slide notes: The Capture options are used when we do not want to or cannot for some reason use the Import option, or to make a few changes to a Page. The 'New Line' option gives us the opportunity to capture new Page Line entries.




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Slide notes: The Document is always stated on the Bank Page, and is an important element in the matching process.




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Slide notes: The Reference defaults to a standard value, and we would usually only change this in the case of a Customer Deposit entry, in which case the system will be able to process the reference as a Debtor Account Code and generate the Receipt Journal automatically.




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Slide notes: When we capture Amounts for Bank Page Line entries, we always capture Cheques and Charges as positive values, and Deposits as negative values.




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Slide notes: When we exit from the 'new line entries' function, our Page is updated, and we can see that the closing balance adjusts automatically.




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Slide notes: We can continue to use the 'capture' option to make further entries or delete wrong lines.




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Slide notes: When we save the Page, we can still return to it later to make more changes, if necessary.




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Slide 40

Slide notes: When we want to capture or import a new Bank Page, we use 'New Page', but once a Page already exists, we can still change it by choosing 'Current Page' and selecting from the available Pages on this Recon.




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