Slide 1

Slide notes: Once we have feedback on all the bids from the Suppliers, and have recorded those, we can proceed to award each Item per our selection.




Slide 2

Slide notes: We select the Item from the list.




Slide 3

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Slide 4

Slide notes: We review the bids and delivery, and dbl-click the bid to award.




Slide 5

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Slide 6

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Slide 7

Slide notes: And we choose SAVE.




Slide 8

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Slide 9

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Slide 10

Slide notes: We proceed in this fashion for all Items on the quotation, and we can return, change and / or correct bids as much as we like, up to the time when the Quotation is accepted and the Sales Order is confirmed.




Slide 11

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Slide 12

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Slide 13

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Slide 14

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Slide 15

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