Slide 1

Slide notes: The Reports menu include a 'Human Resources' item with a number of options for HR related Reports.




Slide 2

Slide notes: It is optional to use the Human Resource Recharge Register with Job Costing, and if we do, then the options shown here are meaningful.




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Slide 4

Slide notes: The 1st option lists the Persons with Labor Class, sorted in their Teams.




Slide 5

Slide notes: The next option shows the Teams, inclusive of Members.




Slide 6

Slide notes: And the Division option lists the Divisions, inclusive of Teams in those Divisions.




Slide 7

Slide notes: The purpose of using the Human Recharge Register is to gather Productivity detail and Statistics.




Slide 8

Slide notes: Productivity indicators can be produced for any selected Period Range, either with Detail or as a Summary. We can include all or a selected Division.




Slide 9

Slide notes: This is a Productivity Report with Detail.




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Slide 11

Slide notes: The Statistics Report will reveal Hours logged against Jobs, and also Recovery indicators. If the Human Recharge Register has not been logged against a Job from the Job Resource Charge Journals, then of course there are no indicators.




Slide 12

Slide notes: In this example, we have only 1 Job with Hours logged, and another with a Re-charge.




Slide 13

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