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Slide notes: If we want to use Resources for Performance measurement in our General Ledger, then we can define them at Job Costing or at the Ledger File Maintenance menu.




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Slide notes: For a new Resource, we assign a short unique Key and we give it a Name. The Resource must then belong to a specific Resource Class. For example, we may have many Manday type Resources, and they will all belong to a Resource Class of Mandays. Each Manday Resource may then be used to measure something different, for example different Activities like Ploughing, Irrigation, Harvesting, etc.




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Slide notes: The Human Link on a Resource may be indicated when we actually track the Man behind the Resource. In some cases, we may wish to select the specific Individual when we apply the Resource.




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Slide notes: Here is the Help.




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Slide notes: The Factor to Financial is like a Standard Financial Rate for application of this Resource, and while it is usually not forced, it becomes a default and it is well used in Physical Budgets for automatic translation to the Financial Budget.




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Slide notes: It is not mandatory to link a Resource to a KPI, but it is recommended to do so.




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Slide notes: When we link to a KPI, we also use a standard rate for physical application of the Resource in production of 1 KPI.




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Slide notes: As the Help explains, if it takes 2 Mandays to plough 1 Hectare, then we need a standard rate of 2 for the Resource on the KPI.




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Slide notes: The Job Cost Type link does not need to be indicated except when the Resource is used for Manufacture.




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Slide notes: If the Resource is measured in Hours of usage, then we may use the start / stop method for capture, and the system will then calculate the usage.




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Slide notes: The Tax check is seldom used, because in most cases the Resource is applied internally before charging a Customer.




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