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Slide notes: Resources are object types that we use in the processing of Agriculture Physicals, but these same Resources can also be used with Manufacture, Job Costing and General Ledger processing. The Resources are therefore multi-purpose Physicals Resources objects.




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Slide notes: To define a new Resource type, we need a short key, a Name and we need to associate it with a Resource Class. That is the minimum requirement.




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Slide notes: A Resource that is incorrectly specified or for some reason no longer wanted, can be deleted.




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Slide notes: A Resource type also has more advanced features, all of which are optional.




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Slide notes: We have an option to force a human link on a Resource type. For example, if the Resource type is 'man' i.e. a Person that is being applied, then we can choose that the individual must be selected from an available list. However, this function is primarily used with Manufacture, Planned Maintenance and some Journal options, and not with Agriculture Estates management per se.




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Slide notes: The Factor to Financial is used when we do Physicals Budgets and we want the system to translate Physical Budgets automatically to Financial so that we do not have to do a 2-step Budget  i.e. Physicals followed by Financials. The Factor is also used when we use Standard Costing on Physicals Journals, but not when we use Payroll Cost Recovery type Physicals Journals.













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Slide notes: Optionally, the Resource may be linked with 1 KPI indicator and a Standard Rate for that KPI. If we use the KPI indicator and Standard Rate, then the system can perform automatic Physical to Physical Budget Translation, e.g. KPI to Resource Budget. Also, when we use Standard Costing rather than Payroll Costing, the system can auto-fill the relevant Physicals Journals for us.




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Slide notes: The Standard Rate, as explained at the Help, is a Physical Rate and not a Financial Rate.




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Slide notes: And if we do not wish to use a Rate, but want to indicate the KPI, then we can state zero for the Rate.




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Slide notes: The Job Cost type link can be suggested for a Resource that is commonly used in the Manufacture application.




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Slide notes: The Start / Stop option may indicate that we capture Meter Start/Stop as Time instead of Quantity on our Physicals Journals, but only for Standard Cost type Machine Journals, i.e. this does not apply to Payroll Costing type Machine Journals.




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Slide notes: The Tax option is usually NOT used, but in the event that we use Direct Re-charge in Manufacture, with Tax, then we will check this option on the Resource where applicable.




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