Slide 1

Slide notes: At each new Item that is scanned, the system makes a copy of the "sale in progress", so if anything goes wrong, we can recall the last state and continue from there.




Slide 2

Slide notes: Unless the last Sale has been properly completed, there is a copy of the most recent Sale that we can recall with the 'Recall Last Deal' function.




Slide 3

Slide notes: Now, we will do an example, and remove all the current Items listed on this Sale.




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Slide 6

Slide notes: Having removed all current Items, we are effectively dealing with a new Sale, and so we are prompted with the 1st step, i.e. to swipe the Customer CRM Club card.




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Slide 9

Slide notes: At this stage, without having scanned anything, if we use 'Recall Last Deal', then the system will retrieve the last copy of an incomplete Sale that we have been busy with.




Slide 10

Slide notes: And immediately the screen is populated with the last Sale in progress. If the last Sale was properly completed and nothing new scanned since, then there will be nothing to retrieve.




Slide 11

Slide notes: So the 'recall' function is very useful if something goes wrong, i.e. the system freezes or hangs up or for any other reason we cannot continue with our current Sale. In such a case, we can just log on again and recall the last Sale in progress, and proceed from there.