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Slide notes: A primary feature of the System Health Checks wizard is an Operational Check. This can be done on demand at any time, but more likely it is done at regular intervals like monthly, or after some system crash or problem.




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Slide notes: The Operational Health Check performs a list of spot checks on the local Business Datamart, and can be performed in any Business Datamart. The result will include a list of numbered items that need closer inspection, if indeed there are any items to be alerted on. In this result, we see that items 8 and 37 are listed for attention.




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Slide notes: Item 8 refers to the operation checks finding that some data is missing from the spot-check File called BANKAUDWZ. If a Period Rollout has been done, that could explain why the data has shrunk, but there has been no Period rollout. However, this is a Bank Recon Data file, and a Bank Recon has been fully removed, so that explains satisfactorily why this File reports a data shrinkage.





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Slide notes: The other Item we have been alerted to is number 37. And when we check this one, we find that it is only a reminder about the Transaction Processor not being used in optimized mode. That is quite acceptable if the site is not very large, so we can ignore the reminder. And that means that in fact our Operational System Check is fine and there is nothing to be concerned about. The Operational Checks are stored by the system, and we can retrieve any of these checks again at a later stage.