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Slide notes: With the Budget Report Writer, there are predefined Templates that we can use to choose the desired Report Layout. These Templates are designed for Budget Management Reports based on the GL, and they provide really quick and easy Report production capabilities for all parts of the Company Budget.




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Slide notes: At the moment, this Report Definition is using Template 1, which will show the Financial Budget for 12 Periods, and also the Total Budget.




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Slide notes: When we perform the Report, we see that it is exactly what we get: 12 Budget Periods for each line, plus the Total Budget.




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Slide notes: These are the available Templates, and any Budget Writer Report must use one of these. It is entirely possible, practical and optional to have additional Budget Reports done with Document Writer, and in that case we can choose any other format for the Report, use Graphs and other visual tools, BUT it is a lot more work. Nothing can produce a Budget Management Report with less ease than this Budget Report Writer, and we can turn out all the required Budget Management Reports in quick time, and even list them in the Report Library for automatic publication.




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Slide notes: To demonstrate how the Report will return a different layout just by choosing a different Template, we will now select Template 3.




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Slide notes: And here we have a result. With this Template, each Account is listed with New Budget, Variance over Previous Budget, Previous Budget, etc.




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Slide notes: The Template options with the Budget Writer are quick and easy to select, and produce a pre-determined Report format. So we can have a series of Reports, for example for each Department, and in each case we can have the same Report available with different Templates if we want.