Slide 1

Slide notes: We have a SAVED View here, which can be used at any future time when we enter Business Intelligence. The default setting for the Period Ranges is always 'adapt to Current Year'.




Slide 2

Slide notes: But we also have a choice to 'lock the current choices'.




Slide 3

Slide notes: The Help explains that when we wish the Period selection to remain fixed, and not to automatically move to the latest Current Period or Year Settings when they change, then we can lock the Periods for this View.




Slide 4

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Slide 5

Slide notes: In this case, we are using the LOCK option. Now, let's see the effect.




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Slide 7

Slide notes: When we enter Business Intelligence, we have some standard Views that we have saved for re-use, and the HAULAGE View is one of those.




Slide 8

Slide notes: Because we have used the LOCK option on this View, it means that the system will not touch the Period settings and they will remain the same, even when the system settings for Periods have changed. We can still change these Period settings manually, but they do not automatically adapt to Current Year settings.




Slide 9

Slide notes: Now let's see what will happen if we remove the LOCK option.




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Slide 14

Slide notes: Now notice how, when we select the HAULAGE View, that the Period Settings change and adapt to the Current Year settings. That means that our re-usable Views are always Current when we use them again and again in different Periods, but there are Views or occasions  when we do not want the system to adapt the Periods for us, and that is when we may use the LOCK option.




Slide 15

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