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Slide notes: When we use Views in Business Intelligence, we often compare results in 1 Year with another, prior Year. So we will now have a look at how the system can automatically adjust prior Year settings for us.




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Slide notes: The default for Prior Periods adjustment on a View is always the '13 Periods' option, because it is used most often. But let us change this first of all to 'no adjustment' to establish the effect.




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Slide notes: When we choose 'do not adjust', then it means that when we change any of our Period selections for the View, then the system should not change any of the other Period selections.




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Slide notes: So while we have now changed the Start Period for the Current Year for our View, none of the other Periods were affected by that change. Next, we will use the '12 Periods' option.




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Slide notes: The idea with this automatic adjustment is that when we change the Start Period on Current Year, then the system will automatically adjust the Start Period on Prior Year, and when we change Current Month on Current Year, then the system will auto adjust Current Period for Prior Year. It all depends whether we use a 12 or 13 Period Year.




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Slide notes: In this case, the auto adjustment is incorrect, because we now have July in the Prior Year while we have June in the Current Year, as the Start of Year. This is because we used a '12 Period' setting when our Financial Year actually includes a 13th Period. So let us now do it with the '13 Period' option and see the effect.




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Slide notes: So it is quite clear now that when we change any Period in the Current Year, then we get the correct automatic adjustment also for Prior Year. While this is a useful function, there may be times when we do not want this to happen. After all, we may sometimes wish to compare Views that do not compare full Years with full Years, and we can do that at any time. In such a case, we will just choose the 'no adjustment' setting and then we can select each Period setting manually without the system touching any of it.