Slide 1

Slide notes: A View Set always has a current set of parameters that will be applied in the construction of a Ledger View, if we should open such a Ledger View. In this example, we are selecting from all the Departments only FROM Department 700 TO Department 700, therefore only Department 700. At the same time, within Department 700, we are selecting all Accounts where the Activity is 55, i.e. the Planting Activity.




Slide 2

Slide notes: The inner View currently selected is number 15, which will reveal Physical Performance over KPI. In this case, for the Planting Activity, we may expect to see Man Hours and Tractor Hours, and what would be the average number of those Resources that have been used per Hectare, which is the KPI in this case.




Slide 3

Slide notes: We also have a current selection of a Period Range, i.e. which Periods to map as Current Year, for calculation of the Results.




Slide 4

Slide notes: Therefore, when we choose 'Open Ledger View', then the View that will appear is entirely based on these settings.




Slide 5

Slide notes: Here we can indeed see the Physical Performance over the KPI, as compared to the Budget, for the Year to Date.




Slide 6

Slide notes: And, we can drill into any listed Account for further detail of where these figures derive from.




Slide 7

Slide notes: On the selected GL Account, we see a graphical view of the Financial versus the Budget performance, and if we want, we can drill further into Transactions and other detail of Reports on this Account.




Slide 8

Slide notes: In another example, we now have the 'Sales' View Set active.




Slide 9

Slide notes: This time, our selection of Accounts is based on Cost Centers that relate to Sales and Cost of Sales.




Slide 10

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Slide 11

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Slide 12

Slide notes: Our inner View is number 4, to reveal Year to Date performance of Financial versus the Budget.




Slide 13

Slide notes: And again, we have the Period selection indicated for the results we seek.




Slide 14

Slide notes: Then we choose 'Open Ledger View'.




Slide 15

Slide notes: And here we can see the results for our various Retail Outlets, plus the overall totals. We can drill into any of the listed Accounts for more detail if we wish. So that is how we use the function to 'Open a Ledger View'.