
Slide notes: iesMobile is the User interface option that makes it easy to use and access your IES from anywhere, at any time, and on almost any device. Basically, it just means that if the device supports a browser and an internet connection is available, then iesMobile can be used.




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Slide notes: iesMobile may deliver all kinds of Web applications that access IES, including but not limted to Business  Intelligence applications, that look beautiful and that are easy to use.




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Slide notes: Absolutely no add ons are required, no additonal downloads or any further technology are required. Whether your IES server is somewhere in the cloud or in your Office, it can be accessed with iesMobile.




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Slide notes: iesMobile is available 24/7, all the time.




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Slide notes: You may be anywhere in the world, but as long as you have an internet connection, you can access your IES with iesMobile.




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Slide notes: Who cares which device you prefer. Be it your laptop, iPad, iPhone, Blackberry or another handheld, as long as it supports a browser and java script, it should just work.




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Slide notes: And would you believe, it's so easy to make iesMobile applications that you don't even need to be an IT boffin. The average Accountant or IES User is able to make new iesMobile applications, and can even learn it by self-study from our "we show you how" tutorials.




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Slide notes: It's just wonderfully easy to use beautiful, interactive iesMobile applications on the web.